
  • Project
  • Sustainable Tourism


Interihotel MAD24 fair for the hotel and hospitality sector held by AMBIT in Madrid

interihotel is the benchmark event for the hotel and hospitality sector in Southern Europe, which AMBIT – Living spaces cluster, promoter and partner of the MAST project, has been organising in Spain for 14 years. Interihotel MAD 24 closed its doors on Thursday 21 November 2024 with the attendance of more than 10,000 professionals from 50 countries in the hospitality-design sector (interior design professionals, developers, managers and investors in the hospitality sector). Over the three days of the event, attendees were able to enjoy a complete showroom full of products and design materials from 262 exhibiting brands and specialists in hotel and restaurant design, as well as a programme of conferences, workshops and top-level round tables. This year’s edition featured 184 speakers, including conferences, debates and workshops.

With regard to the relevance of the topics covered by our MAST project, it is important to highlight that this edition of interihotel MAD24 has announced six award categories, including the sustainable product award for hotel and restaurant design (led by the AMBIT team involved in the MAST project) and the innovative product award for hotel and restaurant design.

The interihotel MAD24 prize for the sustainable product for hotel and restaurant design was awarded by the jury to Ecofiber Stone Composite, from the company Tarimatec, for being part of a sustainable project that stands out for its durability and the use of rice husks, a material that provides resistance and recyclability. This 100% recyclable product combines innovation and sustainability, with a local production process that significantly reduces CO2 emissions and the carbon footprint.

The interihotel MAD24 award for innovative product for the design of hotels and restaurants went to WoolWalls 3D Spacer by Farrás Home for its innovative use of wool, a historical raw material that is fundamental to the Spanish economy and which is currently in disuse and at risk of disappearing. The product uses the material to create a textile covering that incorporates an innovative air chamber with acoustic and thermal properties.

It is important to show how the innovation and sustainability of furnishings products, due to their intrinsic and systemic characteristics, can make a substantial contribution to improving the sustainability of hotel establishments and facilitate the achievement of their environmental and social sustainability objectives. Also based on the ISO 21401:2018 certification of SMEs accommodations and their transition towards more resilient, circular, and sustainable management systems.